Domov Sex Dolls Značky SY Doll Sex Doll #S2 Valentina / 157 cm / D-Cup - SY Doll Sex Doll #S2 Valentina / 157 cm / D-Cup - SY Doll Ukázat více fotek Valentina je přesně to, co hledáte, abyste oživili svou sexuální touhu. S realistickou sexuální pannou si můžete užívat každý den. Tato středně velká sexuální panna vás uspokojí při klasickém nebo análním sexu. Vždy vám vyhoví ve všech směrech a bude ochotná zaujmout jakoukoli sexuální polohu. Kůže z TPE je stejně jemná jako lidské tělo, takže si užijete zcela realistický a nespoutaný sex. CELÝ OPIS Sex Doll #S2 Valentina / 157 cm / D-Cup - SY Doll Výrobca: SY Doll Kód produktu: SY-157-D-S2-Valentina-SH 106 bodů do vernostného systému Valentina je přesně to, co hledáte, abyste oživili svou sexuální touhu. S realistickou sexuální pannou si můžete užívat každý den. Tato středně velká sexuální panna vás uspokojí při klasickém nebo análním sexu. Vždy vám vyhoví ve všech směrech a bude ochotná zaujmout jakoukoli sexuální polohu. Kůže z TPE je stejně jemná jako lidské tělo, takže si užijete zcela realistický a nespoutaný sex. CELÝ OPIS Dárky zdarma k panně - Náhľad Na zakázku Výroba na zakázku do 10 - 20 dnů. Doručení za 25 - 45 dnů. € 1.599 Do košíka Nejprve dokončete konfiguraci Pridať medzi obľúbené produkty Pridať do porovnania Otázka na produkt Diskrétne doručenie Extra realistické panny Autorizovaný predajca Dokončite konfiguráciu NEMÁTE VYBRANÉ Máte vybrané MÔŽETE NAKÚPIŤ 106 bodů do vernostného systému KONFIGURACE VARIANTY Volba varianty Popis a parametry FAQ Diskusia Paruka (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Stejné z fotek 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 NAČÍST VŠECHNY MOŽNOSTI Druhá paruka zdarma VyberteZvoleno Zadejte hodnotu Barva očí (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Stejné z fotek #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 NAČÍST VŠECHNY MOŽNOSTI Druhé oči zdarma VyberteZvoleno Zadejte hodnotu Kostra (SY) VyberteZvoleno Normal E.V.O. Kloubové články prstů (+€ 59)Pohyblivá čelist (+€ 90) Barva kůže (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Stejné z fotek Porcelán Přírodní Peach Karamel Olive Béžová Bronzová Navi NAČÍST VŠECHNY MOŽNOSTI Barva bradavek (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Totéž z fotek Béžová Růžová Hnědá Tmavá Výplň prsou (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Pevná Dutá Gelová Manikůra (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Stejné z fotek Přírodní Růžová Rubín Černá Barva nehtů nohou (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Stejné z fotek 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 NAČÍST VŠECHNY MOŽNOSTI Barva vagíny (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Totéž z fotek Růžová Přírodní Béžová Hnědá Ochlupení (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Nechci 1 (+€ 50)2 (+€ 50)3 (+€ 50)4 (+€ 50) Vagína (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Fixní Vyndávací Nohy (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...Bez možnosti stání Stojící Nohy (SY) VyberteZvoleno Vyberte ...S možností stání Bez moznosti stání S možností stání bez šroubů Premium konfigurace (SY) VyberteZvoleno Nechci Body Painting (+€ 60)Zvýraznění pigmentů (pihy a žilky) (+€ 30)Yoga Kostra (+€ 1.160)Odnímatelné nohy (+€ 100)Vyměnitelná vagína (snadno se čistí) (+€ 60)Vibrační zadek (+€ 150)Robotický orál (+€ 150)Vyhřívání (+€ 160)Sténání (+€ 60)Automatické sání vagíny (+€ 150)Dýchání (+€ 100)Orální ohřev (+€ 60)Čistič vagíny (+€ 100)Stojan na hlavu panenky (+€ 30)2 háčky (+€ 40)1 háček a 1 stojan na hlavu panenky (+€ 60) NAČÍST VŠECHNY MOŽNOSTI NEMÁTE VYBRANÉ Dokončite konfiguráciu MÔŽETE NAKÚPIŤ Máte vybrané Na zakázku Výroba na zakázku do 10 - 20 dnů. Doručení za 25 - 45 dnů. € 1.599 Do košíka Nejprve dokončete konfiguraci Vyberte variantu POPIS Popis a špecifikácia The Realistic Sex Doll, created for you by SY Doll, is a horny beauty with a racy figure. You can change any sex position with her whenever you want - day or night. This sex doll never sleeps, is never in a bad mood and always has a real appetite for sex. Aimed at experienced women SY Doll launched its production of realistic dolls in 2015 ...číst více The Realistic Sex Doll, created for you by SY Doll, is a horny beauty with a racy figure. You can change any sex position with her whenever you want - day or night. This sex doll never sleeps, is never in a bad mood and always has a real appetite for sex. Aimed at experienced women SY Doll launched its production of realistic dolls in 2015 with a clear mission. To satisfy all men who love or just want to try sex with experienced virgins for the first time. In addition, the brand boasts other unique products. For example, you can buy the sex doll with the biggest ass at 163 cm or the tallest sex doll produced at 176 cm. Showcasing the biggest ass in sex dolls by SY Doll Enjoy spanking and groping The SY Doll body is made of platinum TPE. This is the so-called thermoplastic rubber, which is standardly used for the production of all kinds of sex toys. Why TPE? Because it stands out with its softness, smoothness, texture and colour almost indistinguishable from human skin. In addition, it absorbs human heat very well. All these advantages would be useless if TPE was not safe to use. Fortunately, however, you have nothing to worry about, sex with this sex doll is perfectly safe. TPE contains no plasticizers (phthalates) or other chemicals that could be released from it. In addition, SY Doll is one of the unique manufacturers on the market and has developed its own and improved TPE coating. This does not need to be powdered frequently. Even after washing, it retains its natural dullness and is not sticky like others. This unique texture greatly facilitates the maintenance and storage of the dolls. Demonstration of breast mobility during sex by SY Doll Build your own sex beauty Like all other sex dolls in our range, SY Doll's realistic sex dolls perfectly match the real anatomical shapes of a woman. In this case, a woman blessed with lush shapes. SY Doll really prides itself on the maturity and lushness of its women's shapes. Sample of all the precise details in SY Doll's sex dolls What the SY Doll brand also prides itself on is a diverse range of optional features that allow you to build a sex doll that makes sex with a real woman worthwhile. There is a choice of sex dolls body height (ranging from 158-176 cm), as well as over 20 interchangeable heads. Combined with optional wigs, eye and lip color, you can build a sexbomb almost to your liking. With each sex doll we supply two wigs and two pairs of eyes free of charge. You can change the look of your sex companion, so you'll never get bored of her. Tweak the overall look by choosing your skin color. You can have a natural girl in bed, a lightly tanned beauty, or even a black girl. If you are tempted by a little exoticism, the realistic sex doll from SY Doll is the perfect choice for your sexual appetites. Nowadays, even pubic hair can be exotic for some. If that's what attracts and excites you, you have unlimited possibilities here too. We'll stay with vaginas, as you have to decide whether you want a removable or a fixed vagina. The removable one is easier to maintain, the hard one will give you more pleasure during the final climax. For more excitement, we also recommend purchasing sexy outfits or costumes. The outfits in the photos are not included in the order, but you can purchase them separately. Why buy a sex doll from SY Doll? If you're turned on by mature women and want to learn a thing or two about sex from them, be sure to check out SY Doll's range of sex dolls first. You'll find not only this particular sex doll, but also #144 in a satin robe, a sexy milf with huge breasts or a strict and lusty lady with glasses. Sample sex dolls with narrow waists along with lush busts from SY Doll Not to mention the sturdy frame with plenty of joints that allow you to perfectly position yourself completely to your liking. Your new partner can handle any position you dream of when you think of sex with a mature woman. In addition, the realistic SY Doll sex dolls are soft and supple in their curves - just like a woman's body. The Realistic Sex Doll, created for you by SY Doll, is a horny beauty with a racy figure. You can change any sex position with her whenever you want - day or night. This sex doll never sleeps, is never in a bad mood and always has a real appetite for sex. Aimed at experienced women SY Doll launched its production of realistic dolls in 2015 with a clear mission. To satisfy all men who love or just want to try sex with experienced virgins for the first time. In addition, the brand boasts other unique products. For example, you can buy the sex doll with the biggest ass at 163 cm or the tallest sex doll produced at 176 cm. Showcasing the biggest ass in sex dolls by SY Doll Enjoy spanking and groping The SY Doll body is made of platinum TPE. This is the so-called thermoplastic rubber, which is standardly used for the production of all kinds of sex toys. Why TPE? Because it stands out with its softness, smoothness, texture and colour almost indistinguishable from human skin. In addition, it absorbs human heat very well. All these advantages would be useless if TPE was not safe to use. Fortunately, however, you have nothing to worry about, sex with this sex doll is perfectly safe. TPE contains no plasticizers (phthalates) or other chemicals that could be released from it. In addition, SY Doll is one of the unique manufacturers on the market and has developed its own and improved TPE coating. This does not need to be powdered frequently. Even after washing, it retains its natural dullness and is not sticky like others. This unique texture greatly facilitates the maintenance and storage of the dolls. Demonstration of breast mobility during sex by SY Doll Build your own sex beauty Like all other sex dolls in our range, SY Doll's realistic sex dolls perfectly match the real anatomical shapes of a woman. In this case, a woman blessed with lush shapes. SY Doll really prides itself on the maturity and lushness of its women's shapes. Sample of all the precise details in SY Doll's sex dolls What the SY Doll brand also prides itself on is a diverse range of optional features that allow you to build a sex doll that makes sex with a real woman worthwhile. There is a choice of sex dolls body height (ranging from 158-176 cm), as well as over 20 interchangeable heads. Combined with optional wigs, eye and lip color, you can build a sexbomb almost to your liking. With each sex doll we supply two wigs and two pairs of eyes free of charge. You can change the look of your sex companion, so you'll never get bored of her. Tweak the overall look by choosing your skin color. You can have a natural girl in bed, a lightly tanned beauty, or even a black girl. If you are tempted by a little exoticism, the realistic sex doll from SY Doll is the perfect choice for your sexual appetites. Nowadays, even pubic hair can be exotic for some. If that's what attracts and excites you, you have unlimited possibilities here too. We'll stay with vaginas, as you have to decide whether you want a removable or a fixed vagina. The removable one is easier to maintain, the hard one will give you more pleasure during the final climax. For more excitement, we also recommend purchasing sexy outfits or costumes. The outfits in the photos are not included in the order, but you can purchase them separately. Why buy a sex doll from SY Doll? If you're turned on by mature women and want to learn a thing or two about sex from them, be sure to check out SY Doll's range of sex dolls first. You'll find not only this particular sex doll, but also #144 in a satin robe, a sexy milf with huge breasts or a strict and lusty lady with glasses. Sample sex dolls with narrow waists along with lush busts from SY Doll Not to mention the sturdy frame with plenty of joints that allow you to perfectly position yourself completely to your liking. Your new partner can handle any position you dream of when you think of sex with a mature woman. In addition, the realistic SY Doll sex dolls are soft and supple in their curves - just like a woman's body. PARAMETRY Parametre Značka SY Doll Výška 157 cm Velikost podprsenky ~ D Váha 46 kg Materiál TPE, Silikonová hlava Obvod krku 26 cm Ramena 30 cm Obvod poprsí 95 cm Obvod hrudníku 57 cm Obvod paže 23 cm Délka paží 50 cm Pas 54 cm Boky 104 cm Obvod stehna 57 cm Obvod lýtka 33 cm Délka nohou 76 cm Délka chodidla 20 cm Hloubka úst 13 cm Hloubka vagíny 18 cm Hloubka análu 17 cm Postava Kyprá Prsa Velká Barva vlasů Blond Barva kůže Opálená Rasa Evropská Diskrétne doručenie Extra realistické panny Autorizovaný predajca FAQ Odoslať Príslušenstvo Lepidlo na TPE € 38 Skladem v ČR Do košíka Odstraňovač skvrn z TPE € 38 Skladem v ČR Do košíka Sprchová hlavice pro výplach otvorů se 3 nástavci € 27 Skladem v ČR Do košíka Sexy Kostým Školačka - Modrá € 19 Skladem v ČR Do košíka Sexy Kostým Školačka - Červená € 19 Skladem v ČR Do košíka Sexy Síťované Šaty - Černé € 15 Skladem v ČR Do košíka Sexy Krajkové Šaty - Černé € 19 Skladem v ČR Do košíka PredchádzajúceĎalej Zdieľať Tweet Pin It